UPE 309/BIO 309
Time: Tu/Th 12:40-1:55pm
Location: LSRC A155

This course, offered by the Spring 2002 working group, and is a hands-on workshop in ecological data modeling and application to forecasting. Students will assemble in groups with complementary expertise in ecology, statistics, and computation. Each group will develop a proposal for the semester long project. An example might involve a modeling exercise on forecasting that involves prediction, uncertainty, and novel spatial algorithms. Proposals would provide motivation, set goals, and define instructional needs for their project. Faculty will review proposals, provide feedback, and then organize appropriate lectures, discussion sections, and tutorials. They will provide oversight as work progresses.

The course will be offered by:

• Dr. Jim Clark, ecologist, Arts & Sciences, Biology
• Dr. Pankaj Agarwal, computer scientist, Arts & Sciences, Computer Science
• Dr. Michael Lavine, statistician, Arts & Sciences, ISDS
• Dean Urban, ecologist, Nicholas School, ES&P


© 2004 Center on Global Change
Box 90658, Duke University, Durham NC 27708-0658
A150 Levine Science Research Center (LSRC), Research Drive, West Campus
Tel: 919-681-7180 Fax: 919-681-7176 E-mail: cgc-web@nicholas.duke.edu

Last updated March 15, 2004